Un Poco de Mi

martes, 17 de abril de 2007


Hi, my name's is Jose Villa. But everybody calls me ¨Carmelo¨, I'mfrom Maracaibo originally.I'm 18 years old and I study mass media at URBE, I live in Maracaiboin Pomona.
I love music, my favorite is pop rock, I like dancing, studyingEnglish, I love party, movies, my family, eat pizza and fruit. Myfavorite color is orange and blue, and goes to gym.
I hate smoking, violence, war, injustice, washing the dishes,alcohols, lies, onions, and getting up early on the weekend.
My dream is to graduate from mass media school in URBE. Working,travel around the world; I also want to lean to speak English andFrench.I work in a called television channel NCTV channel 11

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